
Bass Philips Premium Pinot Noir: The black pearl

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发表于 2010-1-14 13:28:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 美国
Tried this Pinot Noir from Victoria, Australia. Light body and improved a lot after an hour of decanting.

2004 Bass Phillip Premium Pinot Noir $115.00 each (mine is from Wxtson's wine cellar)

A little unpolished, but a very impressively fruited and structured pinot with a floral and slightly meaty
bouquet that slowly unfolds aromas of red cherries, plums and berries. Sumptuous and very
approachable, the palate is heavily laden with ripe cherry and plum flavours supported by a firm but finegrained
chalky backbone. A powerful and concentrated wine in the traditional spicy and complex Bass
Phillip style. 18.6 / 95 points, drink 2009-2012+". Jeremy Oliver, OnWine.

Quote from Esquire:
由Philip Jonesin創立於1979年的Bass Philip,刻意壓縮產量,有時甚至低至每畝一噸的葡萄收成,因此每年產量只有數百箱,個別年份的珍藏系列就只得那麼的一桶,同時有別於慣見的澳洲釀酒文化,為了使出品盡情展現她的風土,包括堅持不灌溉、全部以人手採收、以有機種植的方法及避免使用殺蟲劑等,讓每顆葡萄仿如天然珍珠般珍貴,蘊藏等待綻放的美麗天資,正如特地來港講解酒釀的Bass Philip 莊主Mr. Phillip Jones所言:「酒釀如果被抽取了果香及丹寧,留下的便只是礦物了」,由此可見這品牌有多重視風土。而在釀酒過程中不使用任何添加劑,發酵時採用天然酵母以及裝瓶時不經過濾(雖然這樣造成的酒釀,被笑為Cloudy Wine),創造舉世知名的Pinot Noir品牌。

正如世界知名酒評人James Halliday給予的評價:「Bass Philip 的釀酒師背離墨爾本的惡性競爭(Rat-race),然後透過雙手釀造在澳洲獨一無二的珍稀Pinot Poir,謹慎的選址,葡萄樹的靠攏種植(ultra-close vine spacing),再加上South Gippsland十分清涼的氣候,構成了Bass Phillip的佳釀魔法,釀造出布根地風格的Pinots。」如此盛讚,是不是已經讓人充滿期待呢?而且在澳洲出名的 Langtons 101 排行榜內,Bass Phillip便佔據數籍,簡單講,是無論如何也不能錯過!

发表于 2010-2-21 22:49:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 香港
Tried this Pinot Noir from Victoria, Australia. Light body and improved a lot after an hour of decan ...
0o7-11o0 发表于 2010-1-14 13:28

点止$115呀! Bass Philips 边有咁平呀!
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发表于 2010-9-19 22:51:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
Sorry my friend. You'll be lucky to get a bottle of Bass premium @ AUD115.
Even the Estate Label is well over HKD 400.
Pray tell which Wxt*** you get it from.
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