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发表于 2010-6-10 05:11:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 香港
我就咁放係櫃咋 不過我果d係平野
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发表于 2010-6-10 05:12:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 香港
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发表于 2010-9-23 20:46:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 buggbear 于 2010-9-23 22:21 编辑

很多人以為「紅葡萄酒」就是紅酒(Redwine),這是錯誤的觀念 --
Please explain????

注意它的關鍵-紅葡萄、連皮、全程、不加糖 --
In some countries, eg France, adding sugar is legally allowed in a vintage when ripening is a problem. The process is called "Chaptalisation". In some countries, eg Australia, this practice is not legal.

Many white wines continue to improve with bottle age

某些酒標有「bin」的顯示,表示是裝在橡木桶、擺在地窖發酵而成的紅酒 --
bin normally is like a batch or storage area usually but not necessarily in barrels

喝紅酒不可以加冰,也不能像香檳放在冰桶裡,最適當的飲用溫度是攝氏10 至14度 --
10 to 14 is too low for red, perhaps 16 to 17 is more suitable

中間色澤深(暗紅),外圍帶褐黃色,好酒 --
You cannot judge a wine only by its colour. Young purplish wines can be exceptionally good wines. Conversely, wines of the colour you described as good may not even be drinkable

年代老的酒(超過8年10年),瓶底一定有木屑。即使3、5年,有的也有木屑 --
紅酒平放著儲放,軟木塞浸泡日久會分解、產生木屑 飲用前一天要直立,讓木屑沉澱到瓶底 --
Very wrong, cork disintegration is minimal cause of sediment
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